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Rest in Peace At These Cemeteries Around the World

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marble cemetery
Peering through the gate at Marble Cemetery

It’s heereeee…..it’s that time of year where I go dark into the depths of the afterlife, to wander in cemeteries around the world. I really don’t know what possesses me, but I’m drawn to cemeteries as I travel. And no, this isn’t some weird Goth thing, nor am I the type of person who likes haunted houses or goblins. In fact, I’m pretty terrified of scary things. I used to cry outside haunted houses begging my family to not make me go inside, but they made me go anyway (good parenting). I still to this day at the age of 46 don’t watch scary movies after I was traumatized by Children of the Corn when I was in grade school. But for some reason cemeteries are different to me.

Cemeteries are not about being creepy or frightful, they are like a library for the imagination. Wandering cemeteries around the globe, reading headstones, thinking about the lives of the people there; my mind wanders into a thousand stories. It’s therapeutic, not scary.

As I wandered the globe this year, I always made special stops for cemeteries whenever I could. They ignite my creativity and I love the solitude. Some people like to unplug at the beach and sunbath, I like to wander in cemeteries; to each her own. Here are some of my favorites from this year’s travels.

See where a stopped for cemeteries this year around the world – some may surprise you…

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      1. Hi Joan – yes I did! I wasn’t in Hawaii last year – but previous years I normally have some pics of Hawaii cemeteries in my collection. Hope you are well!

    1. If you ever have the opportunity, Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, VA is spectacular. On the cliffs of the might James River, is like a park – twisting roads, gnarly trees, mausoleums, wrought iron – thousands of Civil War soliders and three presidents buried there. I bring a book and read there sometimes.

    2. I too love visiting cemeteries when I travel and I have seen some amazing ones. Like you, I wonder about the folks residing there. Even as a child, I would rather visit the local cemetery than play baseball or go to the park. Some say I am weird but that´s OK. Some of these cemeteries have made their way into my books.

    3. I like to go to county churches and walk through their cemeteries. Since this part of the country wasn’t settled until the early 1800’s it’s a challenge to try to find the oldest graves. I’m always struck, too, by the number of infants.
      There are also several family cemeteries in my area. Some are maintained well but many aren’t. Sometimes family members who live in another state will learn about a cemetery and come and clean it up. But what usually happens is that after they leave it reverts back to being grown over with grass and weeds.

    4. I’m a big fan of visiting cemeteries too. I just got back from a trip to Curacao where I saw a lot of cemeteries that I will definitely visit on my next trip when I have a bit more time. Tightly packed, colorful and surrounded by a high stone wall so I could only see the cross tops of the crypts…I’m definitely curious to see inside.

    5. My husband and I are cemetery lovers as well. We’ve been to New Orleans 3 times (some of the most interesting in the world) and each time we make a point to visit at least 1-2 cemeteries. We love to photograph angels in cemeteries, and NOLA has a replica of the famous “weeping angel.” I also get a kick out of visiting pioneer cemeteries…they are utterly fascinating!

      1. When I was in NOLA I didn’t see the wheeping angel! Another reason to go back! I love the angel in the Rome Testaccio cemetery – I wrote a whole article about her.

    6. Love Spanish necropoli … they have a life to them that ordinary cemeteries back home simply don’t. Love the ambition and passion that put into those places of rest!

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