mother daughter trip ireland

You Are Never Too Old for a Mother Daughter Trip

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The yurt was chilly, so I quickly got into bed, shivering. I snuggled in under the covers, and my mom put her arm around me, pulling me close to her and her body heat. That simple action sent my brain spiraling backward 45 years ago when I would beg my mother to lay with me so that she would hold me while I fell asleep. She would normally succumb to my request, get into my little bed among my stuffed animals, and under the covers, she would hold me until we fell asleep.

I basked in that childhood memory and tried to hold onto it as I fell into a deep sleep; I was transported to being a little girl again in the arms of my mother.

yurt glamping ireland

On the last night of our mother daughter trip in Ireland we glamped at Rock Farm in Slane. Our cute little yurt was chilly, and it was a good reason to snuggle up close. I felt a sense of relief in my mom’s arms; this was the first time during our trip that the roles went back to how they used to be – my mother watching over me.

As we traveled through Ireland together, I was the one watching over her, making sure she was OK, hydrated, watched her step, took her pills, did her exercises, and was having fun. I held her hand as we crossed the uneven paths/streets and reminded her always to look right first! Our roles reverse when you reach a certain age, but I happily and naturally step into that role when I travel with my parents.

Why Take a Trip With Your Mother?

I travel with my father quite often, but this was just going to be a mother daughter trip. I have found that as I get older, I love traveling with each of them separately. I always end up seeing them differently or learn new things when I travel with them individually. Maybe it’s because my whole life I saw them as a couple, and I really enjoy building individual memories with them too.

I decided to take my mom to Ireland because, at 83 years old, this was likely the last big overseas trip she might take. I feel so fortunate that her health has been great for 83 years old, however it seems like each year her arthritis affects her mobility even more. She has wanted to go to Ireland for as long as I can remember, and I knew if I wasn’t going to take her now, I might miss out on my chance to do so.

Earlier this summer, she was struggling quite a bit with her mobility and happiness; at one point she had decided that she wouldn’t go. She had been having a particularly bad summer with arthritis, which was affecting her sleep, stress level, and confidence. But thanks to prodding by my dad, siblings, and me – we convinced her she should do it.

Check out these gifts for friends going traveling!

I personally know how hard it can be to travel with the pain of arthritis, as I have been diagnosed with it in my knees and lower back. Arthritis isn’t just an “elderly disease.” According to the Arthritis Foundation, two-thirds of people with arthritis are under the age of 65.

My mom was diagnosed with it when she was 55 and me at 48. Thanks to a manic travel schedule this year with lots of long-haul flights, I, too, have had a rough year struggling with a lot of back pain. However, I find that if I keep active and keep stretching, it is normally better. I was hoping that it would be the same for her.

One of the hardest parts about her arthritis is that it’s unpredictable. Sometimes, it acts up, and she can’t sleep or get around well, but other times, she’s great. It’s frustrating for her, but kudos to her as she worked hard for the 2nd half of the summer doing more physical therapy and getting out and walking a mile every day so she could be ready for traveling. I’m happy to say I think it all paid off.

If you are affected by arthritis, I ask you to please consider taking a few minutes and complete theLive Yes! INSIGHTS survey here.There are currently 54 million Americans living with arthritis (that’s 1 in 4) and now is the time to rally together and collect important data that will help shape the future for those living with this disease.

Ireland for a Perfect Mother-Daughter Trip

I coupled this mother-daughter trip with my Ottsworld Ireland Tour. My mother and I spent the first three days on our own in Northern Ireland and then joined up with my tour group in Country Mayo for a week of travel out along the Wild Atlantic Way!

I’ve always said that Ireland has some of the friendliest people in the world, and when you travel with your elderly mother there, they become even more friendly and helpful!

Northern Ireland

“There’s something about them that tells a story,” my mom remarked when we walked through the Dark Hedges, a popular scenic stop in Northern Ireland. The row of beech trees arched over the road is an incredible sight. Our guide, Eimear, explained that beech trees normally grow straight up – but these were a twisted mess of branches, giving the road an eerie feeling. It is thought that the trees became twisted due to the intense winds in the region.

We also got a taste of the mighty Irish wind at Giant’s Causeway. I told my mother the story of Finn McCool and how Giants Causeway came to be as we slowly walked down to the big hill to see the rock formations.

However, her favorite thing by far (and mine too) was driving along Torr Head Drive between Cushendun and Ballycastle. Mom sat in the back seat and giggled in joy as we drove on this tiny path (hard to even call it a road) along the coast with bright green landscapes dotted with sheep and farms.

“I think everyone once in their life should go on this road,” she remarked. I couldn’t agree more – the best part of visiting Ireland for me is being able to drive around on little roads with incredible views!

northern ireland road

In one day, we went through 5 different weather patterns: rain, wind, rain & wind, sun, and rainbows. That’s another thing I love about Ireland – its weather is moody. Plus, the rain and gloom provide a good reason to get in from the cold and warm up with a peat fire at the Bushmills Inn. I splurged for us on a night and dinner at Bushmills Inn, as it was one of my favorite stops when I visited the area 5 years prior. It has a charming, rustic character to it and is one of the best restaurants in the region. Plus, they make a delicious Irish coffee to sip by the fire!

northern ireland weather

Looking for a local guide in Northern Ireland – Contact Eimear

Ireland’s West Coast and County Mayo

We next moved on to my Ottsworld tour in County Mayo, one of the most beautiful and seldom known parts of the Wild Atlantic Way. I was first introduced to it last year with Ireland Walk Hike Bike.

Even though my mom was unable to hike with the rest of the group, our local guide, Rachel, made sure she was able to join us for everything else: lunches/dinners, whiskey tasting, music, distillery tour, castle tours, and Downpatrick head. Rachel always worked out the logistics, dropping my mom off at a café while we hiked, and then we’d meet up with her afterward again.

Rachel would even encourage my mom take short walks with us keeping her active which is the key to aging if you ask me. I was so thankful that the rest of my group welcomed my mom into the group and everyone seemed to take a shine to her and also watch over her at various times. And what’s not to love…she is darn cute.

3 Things I Learned Traveling with my Mom

I Love the Slower Pace

Naturally, my mom moves at a slower pace. Before the trip, I told myself that I would need to slow down and be more patient than I normally am when I travel. I thought it would be a bit of a challenge for me, but I found that I loved the slower pace. We didn’t pack a ton of things in each day, and we made sure that we had ample time to relax and just take in some people-watching. I took the time to make it about my mom and the location as opposed to always thinking about work and fitting more into my schedule.

Hire a Local Guide

We had a local guide for both Northern Ireland and County Mayo. That way I could let them do the driving and guiding and I could just enjoy time with my mom. Plus – since they were local experts, they knew where all of the great coffee stops were and could easily make sure that we had plenty of down time planned in our schedule. They knew the stops and trails so well that they could make an educated decision on what things my mom could participate in. It took so much of the pressure off of me, plus we both learned a ton about the history and the regions!

Get the Wheelchair Assistance

Want to know the secret to getting through airports faster and stress free? Find an old woman who needs a wheelchair and befriend her!

Airports are confusing to older people…really confusing. It’s hard for me to grasp because I’m in them all the time and I find them rather easy; I’m used to it. Even though my mom can walk quite well, albeit slowly, I decided that it was finally time to request a wheelchair for her in order to get her around the airport easier and quicker.

What a game changer the wheelchair assistance is! I requested the service when I bought our tickets online and then we had a wheelchair waiting for us at every airport! We swiftly moved through the security lines, immigration lines, and were the first to board on the plane. This made my life easier and my mother was happier too – a win for everyone!

Can Travel Cure Arthritis?

Every morning, I’d ask my mom how she slept. She is often in a lot of pain at night and can’t sleep well due to her arthritis. It’s the same for me, too – my back pain is often at its worst in the middle of the night. However, in Ireland, every morning, she’d tell me that she slept great – no issues.

Travel has a lot of benefits, but could it actually cure arthritis? Who really knows, but the whole time we were in Ireland my mom felt great. We were both relieved and happy that she decided to go instead of letting her arthritis stop her. I personally believe that because she was more active than normal, it was actually good for her.

I was recently reading some survey results from the Arthritis Foundation about living with arthritis and came across this data – “more than half of people with arthritis cut back on travel and lifestyle”. However, according to our non-scientific study in Ireland, maybe they shouldn’t be cutting back on travel! With a few minor changes like slowing down, getting wheelchair assistance at the airport, and hiring a local guide who really knew the area – travel doesn’t have to be something you cut back on.

Arthritis Foundation as a Resource

In reality – there is no cure yet for arthritis, but you can help be part of the solution. During this trip, my mom and I both took the Arthritis Foundation’s Live Yes! INSIGHTS Survey.

For those affected by Arthritis, you are asked to take a 10-minute assessment where you share your overall arthritis experience – answering questions relating to your symptoms, pain levels and how arthritis affects your function and mobility. The data will be used to pave the way for change by breaking down barriers to care, accelerating research and creating resources that will make a difference in people’s lives.

If you are affected by arthritis, I ask you to please consider taking a few minutes and complete the Live Yes! INSIGHTS survey here. There are currently 54 million Americans living with arthritis (that’s 1 in 4) and now is the time to rally together and collect important data that will help shape the future for those living with this disease.

Live Yes! INSIGHTS is just one of the many ways the Arthritis Foundation is helping to change the future of arthritis forever and has an entire network to support the arthritis community. The Arthritis Foundation’s Live Yes! The network provides personalized help and support to adults living with all types of arthritis and rheumatic conditions and parents or guardians of children living with arthritis.

Their programs offer opportunities for connection, education, and empowerment via Live Yes! Connect Groups, Online Communities, and conferences. The Live Yes! Arthritis Network makes connections both in person and online to empower people to live their best life. People with arthritis find strength in each other, manage stress, and take control of their health care.

Mother-Daughter Trip Success!

Our mother daughter trip was a success on many different levels. I cherish the time I can spend with my parents as I know these moments are fleeting. And as much as I like to move forward in life, sometimes it’s necessary to slow down and create memories.

It’s the travel memories, like drinking an Irish Coffee in front of a peat fire, holding her hand as we navigated Dublin together, and snuggling together in the yurt, that means so much to me. I’m so happy that I could give my mother the gift of travel and the joy of experiencing new cultures…as well as the joy of Irish coffee!

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    This post was sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. However, all opinions expressed here are mine. All travel was paid for by myself. I wanted to do this post because it is a subject that is important to me – and my family.

    Arthritis Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. Their goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life – and making each day another stride towards a cure.

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    1. This post is so sweet. I’m so glad you had a good trip. I’m going on an adult mother daughter vacation soon, too! (and, my mom also has arthritis!)

    2. I love this so much! I took my mom and sister to Ireland last year, and agree that it’s such a great place for a multigenerational vacation. I travel with my dad to more “adventurous” places – we just got back from Turkey! And while my dad doesn’t suffer from arthritis like your mom, he did have a knee replacement last year and had struggled to get back to where he used to be with good knees. I think Turkey helped a lot, though! We walked much more than he usually does at home, but every day he woke up saying his knee felt great! So maybe there is something to this idea of travel as physical therapy… 😉

      1. I think we are onto something!!! Sounds like we have pretty similar families. My parents really do like different kinds of travel and that’s why I travel with them separately. How did your dad like Turkey? I love it there!

    3. I’m so glad you got this special time with your Mom, I had a touch of nostalgia with your Mom the day we spent the morning in Westport while y’all hiked in the torrential rains. My a mom has been gone almost 10 years and they would be close to the same age so it was nice to connect with someone older. She is a trooper and a sweetheart. I was honoured to meet her. I think travel heals us in many ways as we focus on the adventure instead of our woes so we feel so much better. I am just starting the journey into arthritis and it doesn’t affect me much yet but I know exercise is probably one of the biggest factors in not letting it take control. Gentle yoga helps as well.

    4. Love this post. As someone who may have the earlier stages of arthritis, this is a great reminder to be active.

      I loved the Dark Hedges. And funny story, we were driving from Donegal to Giant’s Causeway with a plan to eat lunch at Bushmill’s. However, I didn’t realize there was a Bushmill’s Inn with wonderful food reviews online to what was at the distillery. We didn’t like whiskey there and we had this weird buffet thing that was not very good. As soon as we got outside, I was thinking people reviewing the food were all on crack or something. I looked it up again and discovered my mistake. Oh well. We still had fun and hit the Causeway and Dark Hedges on our way to Belfast.

    5. Sherry, this post made me cry because it reminded me of me and my mom. We took a trip through the South earlier this year and now we are planning a big trip to Scotland next year to celebrate her 80th birthday. We plan to end the trip in Aberdeen, where the Aitkin clan/ Scottish side of my mom’s family came from. I’m encouraging her to stay active prior to the trip and your post reminded me of some other important tips. I like to pack a million things into a travel day too, but in Scotland I will focus on slowing down and just enjoying the time with her. I’ve sent her this story. I love all your photos and wow – I can see you in your mother’s face when she’s holding you as a baby. Thank you for sharing this story! Aimee

    6. Aww, just rediscovering this post while I’m researching winter travel plans on your blog. I have such a soft spot for your lovely Mom. I thoroughly enjoyed the day I had with you both with all the crazy weather changes, the stunning rainbows, the very, very scenic but also very, very narrow Torr Head drive. Such a delight.

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