The End of The Road – Mongol Rally
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After camping without much preparation the night before, all the teams got up, took down camp, and drove into the next town, Atyrau, where we promptly used my Lonely Planet digital guide to point us to a restaurant with breakfast. We were all starving, and the restaurant served a proper English breakfast. We inhaled it all and all of the North Americans at the table had two cups of coffee while the English sipped on their tea. Love the cultural differences!
Mongolian food – it’s not what you think!
We ran other errands in town to get all of our proper camping supplies and left the other teams behind to press on. I took over driving, a bit nervously since the roads hadn’t been very good. However, I lucked out and got super roads…new and smooth, with lines. What more could you ask for? We sped along making better time than expected UNTIL….Makat…and then all hell broke loose on the roads.
It was as if Satan himself was reaching up from underneath the road, causing it to buckle and deteriorate. Ruts made us bottom out on our little car, and we were forced to dodge potholes and oncoming trucks. I was working up a sweat of nervous excitement behind the wheel. But when the road disappeared completely into a mud track around a big industrial building, we could hardly believe it. We checked with locals over and over again, “THIS is the road to Aktobe?” pointing in the direction of the dirt field. “Da.” I didn’t know much Russian yet, but I did know that “Da” meant “Yes.”
So we pressed on, into the unknown where there were no roads, just a dirt field. This was the beginning of the end…of roads as we know it.
How to donate to our charity – the Christina Nobel Foundation – we are still collecting donations along the way!
- It’s Real Now – Starting the Mongol Rally
- Pimpin’ Our Ride
- Festival of Slow – Mongol Rally Kickoff
- First Stop – Brussels
- Stopped by the Police – Mongol Rally
- Learning to Drive on the Autobahn
- CzechOut our Camping – Mongol Rally
- Racing Through Prague – Mongol Rally
- Driving in Romania
- Twilight in Brasov – Mongol Rally
- Crossing Borders with Natasha- Mongol Rally
- What I see out my window – Mongol Rally
- Ukraine Highway Culture – Mongol Rally
- Mongol Rally: Driving in Ukraine
- Hotel Nissan – Mongol Rally
- Kiev Paperwork Forgery – Mongol Rally
- Teaming up in Volgograd – Mongol Rally
- Russian Stereotypes
- Good Luck at the Kazakhstan Border – Mongol Rally
- The Hardest, Longest, Slowest, Dirtiest Road Yet – Mongol Rally
- The End of The Road – Mongol Rally
- Camping on the Mongol Rally
- Locals to the Rescue – Mongol Rally
- Setting Up Camp – Mongol Rally
- Bad Things do Happen on the Mongol Rally
- The Birth of Kazakhstan Tourism – Mongol Rally
- Kazakhstan’s Secret City – Astana
- The Best Laid Plans – Mongol Rally
- Our Car’s Health – Mongol Rally
- My ride in a Kazakhstan Police Car – Mongol Rally
- The Real Adventure Begins – Mongol Rally
- Minor Repairs – Mongol Rally
- How To Wait at a Border – Mongol Rally
- Border Bonding – Mongol Rally
- Mongolia Freedom – Mongol Rally
- Lost in the Mongol Rally
- Slowing Down – Mongol Rally
- The Mongol Rally Diet
- Muffler Mayhem – Mongol Rally
- Sink or Float – Mongol Rally
- Mongolian Hospitality – Mongol Rally
- Driving in Mongolia
- Tire Trouble – Mongol Rally
- Desert Illusions – Mongol Rally
- Mongolian Malls and Mechanics
- Shocking Tarmac – Mongol Rally
- Mongolian Cloudscapes – Photography
- Ulaanbaatar in our Sights
- The Finish Line – Mongol Rally
- What’s it all for?
- What Happens to the Car?
Oh gosh, now it gets real!
I’m living vicariously on your race to Mongolia. Hope you find the road soon.
Superb account so far…I can’t wait for more.
There is a lovely expression in Australia describing these distant towns. “they aren’t the end of the world but you can see the end from there”…Maybe some spots in the -stans or Mongolia qualify.